September 16, 2024

10 Kickass Ways to Find Web Design Inspiration (That Will Boost Your Creativity & Skills)

-Jon Silverstein
Design inspiration.

Let’s be real—sometimes creativity runs dry, and staring at a blank screen doesn’t exactly spark genius. Whether you're feeling stuck on your next project or just need a fresh jolt of inspiration, we have got your back.

1. Hit Up Design Galleries

First stop? Dribbble, Behance, and Awwwards. These places are like eye candy for web designers. Whether you’re in the mood for sleek interfaces or mind-blowing animations, scrolling through these galleries will spark ideas you didn't know you had. Consider it design window-shopping—but way more productive.

2. Stalk Your Competition

Okay, “stalk” might be a strong word, but don’t be afraid to see what your competition is doing. Head to some websites in your client’s industry and take notes on what works (and what sucks). Then flip the script and put your unique spin on it. The goal isn’t to copy—it’s to out-design the competition. Let’s show them who’s boss.

3. Design Blogs: Your New BFF

Web design blogs like Smashing Magazine and Creative Bloq are more than just geeky reading material—they’re gold mines of inspiration. These sites serve up everything from slick trends to nerdy design hacks that’ll take your projects from “meh” to “hell yeah.” Bookmark them. You’ll thank me later.

4. Raid Webflow Showcases

Webflow is the place for pushing web design to the edge. Their showcase section is basically a treasure chest of web magic where designers show off their latest and greatest. It’s got everything: crazy animations, mind-bending interactions, layouts you’ve never thought of. Steal... I mean, borrow some ideas and make them your own.

5. Get in on Design Communities

If you're not in a design community, what are you even doing? Hit up Designer Hangout or hop on Reddit’s Web Design page. These are your people. Share your work, critique others, and vibe with creative minds who get it. You’ll leave with fresh perspectives—and maybe even some friends who speak fluent “CSS.”

6. Step Away from the Screen

Yes, I’m telling you to walk away from the computer. Head outside, take a walk, and get lost in nature or architecture. You’ll be surprised how much you can take from the natural world or that cool building on the corner. Need a killer color palette? Grab it from the sunset. Looking for layout inspiration? Check out how buildings stack up in the skyline. Trust me, the world is basically one giant mood board.

7. Social Media Scrolling: But Make It Productive

If you’re gonna spend hours scrolling, might as well make it count. Pinterest and Instagram are loaded with creative juice. Look up hashtags like #webdesigninspiration and #uxui for a flood of ideas that are fresh, weird, and just what you need to break out of the mundane. And hey, while you're at it, follow some of your favorite designers for a feed that’s constantly throwing good vibes at you.

8. Learn from the OGs

While the latest design trends are cool, sometimes you need to rewind and check out the classics. Think minimalism, balance, and clean lines. Dig into the design greats who made their mark decades ago, and see how you can remix their timeless principles with a modern twist. They’ve been slaying the game forever for a reason.

9. Explore Uncharted Territories

Why limit yourself to your own industry? Go check out what’s happening in fashion, tech, or even food websites. Fashion sites are killing it with bold typography, tech sites have that futuristic vibe down, and let’s be real, food websites are straight-up drool-worthy. Take what works, spin it, and voila—you’ve got something unique and fresh for your project.

10. Crash a Design Conference or Webinar

Design events like An Event Apart or Adobe MAX aren’t just about networking (though that’s cool too). They’re packed with inspiration, new trends, and those “holy crap, I didn’t think of that” moments. Whether in-person or virtual, these conferences are like plugging your brain into a creativity charger.

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